
Thursday, September 30, 2021


Creating Oxygen

Comprehension strategy 1 – INFERRING

Why do you think scientists are spending time and money conducting experiments to create oxygen?

To move planet

Comprehension strategy 2 – VISUALIZATION

Draw a picture of a comet in space.

Comprehension strategy 3 – SUMMARIZING

Summarize this article in 30 words. Scientists have learnt how to make oxygen so we can move over to mars, they know how to know they just need to make it.

Comprehension strategy 4 – MAKING CONNECTIONS

How does this article relate to what you already know about what we need to live on another planet? We need to have oxygen on a different planet to live.

Comprehension strategy 5 – REREADING FOR INFORMATION

What are scientists trying to create? Oxygen

What space bodies were scientists studying when they came up with this idea? Comets

What causes the ‘tail’ of a comet that we can see in the sky? ice

H2O is the chemical formula for water, what is the chemical formula for Carbon dioxide? C02 For an oxygen molecule? O

Where do comets mostly come from? Oort cloud

Comprehension strategy 6 - DEVELOPING VOCABULARY

Give the definition for the following words

Potentially - with the capacity to develop or happen in the future.

Originate - create or initiate

Molecular - relating to or consisting of molecules.

Oxygen - a colourless, odorless reactive gas, the chemical element of atomic number 8 and the life-supporting component of the air.

Kinetic - relating to or resulting from motion.

Energy - power derived from the utilization of physical or chemical resources, especially to provide light and heat or to work machines.

Oxidise - combine chemically with oxygen.

Velocity - the speed of something in a given direction.

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