
Thursday, December 17, 2020

Pop Up Penguins Hunt.

 Today me and my family(including my two dogs) went on a pop up penguins hunt which is where you find these penguins that proper artists made, they made a map where you can find all the penguins. We found 20 penguins in 3 hours. My favourite was one called "Punk-It Penguin."

Monday, December 7, 2020

Maths - Tessellation


Today for mathematics we did tessellations, a tessellation is a shape that can fit into each other without any gaps. We had to make 3 tessellations but it was fun so I made a fourth.

Friday, November 20, 2020

Patty chokes on a banana


                                             Patty chokes on a banana 

                                                    Story four by XL-T

One day patty was sitting in the class he got 5 bananas and he carved a dolphin and then BIT the dolphin head off and then sucked on it  we all looked in disgust at him and then he yell hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha we all laugh and then he made a big house  out of bananas he went in and then farted and the house went down like dust he dive into the bananas and he yelled reeeeeeeeeeeeee  and then he choked on five bananas and made the dumbest sound and then he had a big kaka it still is reeks the toilet stinks at school and when we walk out we yell patty you stink  he just laugh and choke on his bananas we all think that he will died by a banana when he is 15. The end.

Patty roasts the prime minister


                                             Patty roasts the prime minister. 

                                                        Story three. By rm 

  One day patty was watching Shrek on his TV and he released the movie finished but also he realized the there was no Shrek 5 so he went outside which is something he would not do much 

Because he would be doing tic tok dances. He thought a lot about how he could get Shrek

5 so he started a petition to see how many people wanted Shrek 5 so he got his clipboard 

And his pen and put his twirly wherly in his jacket and then went to the streets . There were some people that wanted Shrek 5  and this one hitchhiker said what a cute little boy and squeezed his chin once he did that it cheesed patty off and by the way don't squeeze  his chin so patty bet up the hitchhiker. he got enough people to sign his form so then he paid a visit to the prime minister 

He showed the form and the prime minister said no  patty started to roast him he said “you ugly.” then the prime minister said good i was just trying to look just like you. 5 hours later the prime minister let patty get Shrek 5 because  she was sick of roasting patty. The end

Patty drinks the school water supply.


                                  Patty drinks the school water supply.

                                                     Story two. By KM

One wet and windy day there was a truck that came to school with a big water tank on the back. And Patty realized the school does not need water so the next day he came to school fully prepared, he brought a metal straw to school. “Why do you have a straw patty.” Robbie asked.   “None your beeswax” said Patty with the wrong grammar. Patty went around to the tank and said to himself “gotta be like bad-lad.” So then Patty chugs the whole tank and then the teachers find him and say “we have no water now thanks to you.” he says flat on the floor and groans. The end.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

The Wild Hammer Head Patty.

                          The wild patty turns into a wild hammerhead patty.

                                                      By RM and KM

On a fine day when we were going sailing our friend Rylin (who we call Patty because his last name is Patterson.) put the twirly whirly he made at tech in his jersey so he looked like he was a hammerhead shark.“This is a documentary about the wild hammerhead Patty.” Kaeden said in a David Attenborough accent. We all started laughing, then Patty made weird noises so we think the twirly whirly changed his mood. Then he started staring at people through the bus window saying “hey!”. Then the bus driver took a wrong turn and Patty said “he did an opsie.” and then started doing tic tok dances through the bus window. Then we arrived at the lake, so sadly our story ends here. But let's just say he went a bit crazy afterwards.

Maths- Hexagrammic Pyramid

 In math we got given nets so I got the Hexagrammic Pyramid. It was extremely hard. It has 13 faces 6 vertices and 13 edges .

I think I failed but I still finished.
I learnt that I have to fold along the lines, because I did not do it and it is very bad.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Math's - Making cubes nets.


we made nets .

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Maths - Parallel and perpendicular.


Perpendicular is when point A-B crosses with point C-D to make a right angle.
Parallel is when the sides are the same opposite sides the same width apart.  

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Hikihiki, Our New Playground.

 On Friday, our Principal, Liz Weir opened a new play ground called Hikihiki, I was not here on Friday which is sad. But here are some photo's from Tuesday the next week of our studio having a turn.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

The Runaway Hedgehog Called SONIC.

 Once I woke up with my dog Arlo sleeping next to me, I got dressed then went trough to the living room and opened the curtains. Then I saw a little brown thing running in the fire pit. 

So then I ran outside and took a video of him.
This is the wrong video so I am sorry but its fine.
I then saw my mum looking from behind the window wondering what I was doing. Then I pointed at the hedgehog and she came out to look and then she said "poor hedgehog." so we got my sisters to take some photo's. 

Then my mum went inside and got a bucket and some gloves and then got the hedgehog out who I've now called Sonic which is SUPER original. so she came back and then gently pushed the hedgehog into the bucket.
Then we thought about putting Sonic at school but then I thought kids might trample him so we put him in a flax bush down our driveway.

Top Ten Tips To Survive Being A Senior.

1. Always try your hardest.
2. Take every opportunity that comes to you.
3. Don't stress about the teachers.
4. Try to make new friends.
5. Have good manners.
6. Look after the younger kids.
7. Make three blog posts a week...
8. don't talk back to the teachers.
10. Don't be a liar.

Friday, October 30, 2020

Why Our Class Should Stay Clean And Have Good Manners.

This is about how we should have good manners and keeping our class clean.


1. When I pick up any mess I have made I should make sure everything is gone

so then my mess isn't cleaned up by anyone else.

2. If someone says hello to me I have to say yes back to them otherwise I am

rude and no one will be friends with me.

3. When I talk quietly I am not going to talk loudly over people.

4. I don't push, trip, shove, punch or even touch other people so everyone feels

calm and happy.

5. I think about people's feelings and what I say before I say it because it could

offend or hurt the person I am talking to.

6. When I compliment and encourage people I help them feel good and they

like me as a friend/person.

7. When I ask people questions they feel liked and respected.

8. Try to notice all the nice things that people do for you and appreciate them


still show your appreciation by being cheerful, helping out and doing things for


9. trying to understand that some people have difficulties is another way of

being kind.

10. Accept your mistakes, take the blame for them, and say sorry quickly then

it is done and over with because if you don't tell them and then they found out

it was you they'll be way more mad at you if you'd just admitted.

11. Be honest, it makes people trust and like you. If you tell a lie once, it takes

a very long time for people to trust you again and want to be around you.


13. Never say swear words, they can sound aggressive and they are usually

racist and you don't want to be the racist kid no one likes.

14. Never call people names,  because they will end up hating you and they

will tell everyone what you said and you'll definitely get into trouble and you

will be extremely rude.

15. your manners change you into becoming a better person.

16. Try not to be late or make other people wait for you, BE ON TIME.

17. Give people compliments.

18. Try and see the funny side of things when they go wrong, it helps

everyone realise that often people do things without thinking or understanding

what might happen.

19. Call people by their actual names this is touching up on rule 14 so call

them their names not dumb nicknames they don't like.

20. Don't throw things at people or go into their personal space.

21. Don't take peoples thing if you find it on the ground then give it to a teacher.

22. Be the bigger person, don't react if people do any of those things just

take a breath and tell the teacher.

23. Don't be racist.

24. If you've asked a teacher and they say no don't go and ask another 
teacher because they will probably say no as well.
25. Always think about their point of view so sort like if you say you're dumb 
think about if someone said that your dumb how would you feel.

Having a clean classroom.

26. When farting and burping always say pardon.

If anyone walks in to see what we do here it will be a good to set an example

for our school by having a clean class. Our class will look nice and clean and its

never good to have a messy class otherwise it looks like pigs live there.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

It Is Wrong To Fight.

What do you think?

For my sample I have decided to say that I think it is wrong to fight. Sometimes I think it is okay to Defend yourself if someone is fighting you, but to start a fight I think that you are getting yourself into a lot of trouble and you will end up hurting yourself even if you win the fight.

Sometimes fights start by people being racist or people making fun of them or family members, mostly bullies fight because they experience violence at their own home but I still think that hurting people isn't the answer. If someone is being beat up they should tell a teacher or adult but I personally know sometimes that's hard because they could be threatened or be to embarrassed to tell anyone. 

School fights aren’t unusual. They happen every day, sometimes organised between students who know each other, punches traded often with school jerseys wrapped around their fists so they won't have to explain bloody noses.  

About 30% of students report being bullied at school in the last year. 7% of students report being bullied frequently (weekly or more often) and about 20% of students report feeling safe at school only sometimes or not at all. In total, 3% of students have missed school in the last month because of bullying or teasing. Lots of bullying is associated with a number of problems including increased rates of mental health issues and relationship troubles. 

Fighting in school should not just be brushed off people's sholders.

In conclusion I think it is wrong to fight unless defending yourself.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020


For maths we made these shapes called tangrams. With a tangram you need to use all the pieces available to make pictures. I had to slide the shapes, flip and rotate them so they would fit in the grey area. I made twenty-four. I learnt new vocabulary that had clockwise, anti-clockwise, right turn, quarter turn, half turn which were translated into angles and degrees which were required to move the tangram pieces. 

Movie scene review.

fâché slumps into the bar(big breakout) he picks a high seat. “I’ll have a whiskey neat thanks.'' says fâché. Lewis replies with “sure anything else.” “Nah, thanks'' grumbles Fâché clearly not in a good mood. Lewis comes back with a cup of water. “Here you go sir,” Lewis says, fâché stares at him in disbelief. “Anything wrong sir, it looks like you ate a bowl of flies.'' Lewis says in a light and bouncy mood. “No you must have mistaken me for a 2 year old with no teeth!” fâché shouts. “If you're that ungrateful that I brought you a drink i’ll take it away.” lewis says calmly. “No, I'll keep it but next time I will flip this table.” says fâché between gritted teeth. “But now I’ll have ummm, a pint of beer.” fâché says. “We don't sell these here.” Lewis says with a smile. “THIS IS A BAR, HOW DO YOU NOT SELL BEER!!!” fâché shouts at the top of his lungs. Then fâché flips the table and walks out of the bar.

In class we have been looking at the ways authors and directors tell the readers and viewers about the character. Some of ways they do this are through the appearance, actions, speech, environment, costume and general appearance of the character.

We looked at scenes and paragraphs from Harry potter, wrote down what happened, Then we looked at the differences. We saw how they dressed and spoke and generally their characters appearance. Like how the camera looked up at Snape and down at Ron and Harry deliberately making Snape big and Ron and Harry small.

In this scene I have been working on these aspects of character. I had Jelani give me feedback by highlighting the following choices in my writing. 
Actions = Red, Appearance = Yellow, Environment = Green, Speech = Blue.

I think I have created a good character using actions, appearance, environment and speech.
Next time I should put capital letters for names.


Tuesday, October 20, 2020


In sailing it was hard, we learn't how to put up a sail. I nearly capsized lots because there was no wind. I dont think sailing was my sport.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020


For literacy I am making a character description me and Lewis are making a script and a play, we were planing for Rylin to be a rage person but sadly he got put down. Here is the script so far. fache means "angry in french" and bonne journee means "have a good day."

Costumes - fâché - Fache is a angry detective so he will wear a big jacket and glasses.

Costumes - bonne journée - bonne journée is the bartender. So he will wear an apron.

Environment - it is set in a bar(big breakout)

Accent  - french.

Script - fâché slumps into the bar(big breakout) he picks a high seat. “I’ll have a whiskey neat thanks.'' says fâché Lewis replies with “sure anything else.” “Nah, thanks'' grumbles fâché clearly not in a good mood. Lewis comes back with a cup of water. “Here you go sir,” Lewis says, fâché stares at him in disbelief. “Anything wrong sir, it looks like you ate a bowl of flies.'' Lewis says in a light and bouncy mood. “No you must have mistaken me for a 2 year old with no teeth!” fâché shouts. “If you're that ungrateful that I brought you a drink i’ll take it away.” lewis says calmly. “No, I'll keep it but next time I will flip this table.” says fâché between gritted teeth. “But now i’ll have ummm, a pint of beer.” fâché says. “We don't sell these here.” Lewis says with a smile. “THIS IS A BAR, HOW DO YOU NOT SELL BEER!!!” fâché shouts at the top of his lungs. Then fâché flips the table and walks out of the bar.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

My Garden Experience.

 My Garden Experience.

Before I started my garden plan I thought making a garden was going to be BORING, but then me and my group Zaza, Jayden and me made plans and did some research and found out interesting facts. we used the research to create a perfectly researched garden. link to my jamboard

Friday, September 25, 2020

Examining the texts


We can find out a lot about a character in a movie or a book by looking at different elements like appearance, words, language, actions and sounds.

The way a character is dressed or described gives us an insight Into his or her character. For example, Snape is wearing a dark robe and dark is stereotypical for bad.

The environment that our character interacts with also gives us clues about what they’re like. So like when Dumbledore comes from the bushes, the bushes are the environment.

Another element that tells us about a character is actions. An action makes a character do something for example when Ron holds a sandwich. Him holding the sandwich is the action. 

The way a character speaks, and what they say, is another clue to who they are. For example when Dumbledore speaks in the movie scene you can tell he is caring and wise. 

As you can see, an author or director can tell us a lot about a character’s personality from the way they set up the scene and have the character act or interact with objects or other characters.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Blog For This Term.

This blog post is about how I have grown this term.
This year our rise value was growth so we have to write a 200 word essay on how our term has gone and how much we have grown - not physically but mentally so what that means is that we write about how much we have learned and not how much I've grown in height. 

My highlights.

One of my highlights is making friends with Lewis, we are in most classes together like math, literacy and science. Another highlight is playing hockey with my friends UNTIL Eugenie banned. I also like going to tech - I have learn't lots like how to make a circuit board and much more. 

How I've grown.

I have grown in mathematics because I have learn't algebra. I have learn't how to appreciate things that don't always come to everyone for example ICAS or KIWI MATHEMATICS.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020


 today is mufti day today Rylin is Mr gorrilagoggles. some people went skiing and so we did kahoot in the morning, then we did quizlet live which was fun I won 7/8 games. now we have to do a blogpost and 10 comments.


 for inquiry me, Zaza and Jayden are making a garden. Jayden is our researcher. Zaza finds plants that grow all year and I am the person who draws the plan. 

these are our photo's.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

The meat shed.

 There once was a kid called Joe he was the local bully. He hated old people and he thought they were zombies. “The haunted house is on the side of a long country farm owned by Mr Midrit. He has a reputation for shouting at little kids and their mothers. He will scare kids down to their tiny little brains. Rumor has it he skins little kids and then sells the skin to the local butcher. He does it all in this tiny little shack. I am joe76864 and I am going to go inside” he walks then stops dead in his tracks that's when he sees the butcher, he runs and ends his video. He ends with him screaming like a girl. “What am I not allowed to give him beef” Mr Midrit laughing like a maniac.


Tuesday, August 25, 2020

The Resistance

 As the hand punches the water we all stare in disbelief. No one has ever disobeyed the grand leader. I hear some faint claps behind him and then it breaks out the clap fever within 25 seconds everyone was clapping and cheering until the grand leader stopped the stand and said “fine you can change the law.”

Monday, August 24, 2020


 Today we had a test, the test was about area, circumference and volume. The first question was circumference. The formula is         C= π x D. We had to times 3.142(π) x 16.745m. The answer was 52.61m because we did only the first two digits. The second question was volume. The formula is V=L x W x H. We had to times 48.765m x 4.35m x 0.574m. The answer is 121.76m³. The next one was area of a circle. The formula is π x r x r/ π x r². we did 3.142 x 4.722 x 4.722. The answer was 70.05m². I messed up on that one because I just times r x r and not r x r x pi. The next one was area of a triangle. It was 1/2 x 101.46 x 16.78 which equals 851.24m²

We had to get a score over 18 otherwise we had to redo it like I had to.